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School Milk

In line with the New School Food Plan legislation, the school has now made mid-morning milk available to every child in school.


  • Free milk continues to be available to all children under 5 years
  • Free milk is provided for all children in receipt of statutory free school meal entitlement and shall be funded by school
  • Subsidised milk is now available at a cost of 22p per day for all children over 5 years and is funded by those parents wishing to take up the offer


You should register your child online via the Cool Milk website  if you wish to buy subsidised milk for your child.  Milk orders or cancellations made by 5pm each Tuesday will take effect from the following Monday.

Should you not have access to the internet, please ask the school office for a registration form if your child is over 5 and you would like them to receive subsidised milk paid for by parents/carers


School will register those children under 5 or entitled to pupil premium funding via statutory free school meals.


Please contact Cool Milk for further information on 0844 854 2913. 
