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Key Stage 1 (KS1) Curriculum

At Furze Platt Infant School, our creative teaching and learning philosophy ensures children dynamically explore the whole curriculum, using both the inside and outside environment. Through engaging and meaningful project based themes, the children in KS1 (Year 1 and 2) will be taught the National Curriculum subjects, with discrete lessons for Maths and English (including phonics) as well as subjects such as PHSE, RE and PE. 


Continuous Provision in Year 1 and 2


In Year 1 and 2 we continue to use the term ‘Busy Learning’ with the children.  Busy Learning in Year 1 and 2 has a different purpose to the continuous and enhanced provision provided in the Early Years.   Children are encouraged to experiment and practise knowledge and skills through the National Curriculum subjects. Every day our children can get the chance to be a designer, an artist, a writer, a scientist, a musician, a mathematician, a storyteller, an athlete, a geographer or historian. Carefully planned experiences inspire the children to consolidate their skills, knowledge and understanding enabling them to be independent, resilient learners who motivate themselves to take on the next challenge and push themselves to their limits. Throughout the environment, you will see busy children actively engaged in a wide range of activities that they themselves have chosen. 

Curriculum Sticky Knowledge


Sticky Knowledge is the key knowledge that we have chosen for the children to know after each project. This knowledge is built upon, brought back into the working memory or recapped (retention & retrieval work) through the subsequent projects, years and even through different subjects. Through carefully planned challenges, focused activities and provision, our intention is get knowledge to 'stick' through hands-on experiences that allow children to work things through. The aim is then to retain this key knowledge by making a change to the child's long term memory. Within all subjects, the expanse of knowledge is vast. We have chosen the key sticky knowledge that we feel would benefit the children through their KS1 journey and to help them understand and enjoy the subject area ready for KS2.
