School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office. Paper copies are available from the school office
- FPIS Adult Behaviour Policy
- FPIS Parent pamphlet on the Prevent Strategy
- FPIS School Visitors Policy
- FPPF Accessibility Plan.pdf
- FPPF Anti-Bullying Policy.pdf
- FPPF Attendance FPIS.pdf
- FPPF Behaviour and Relationships policy.pdf
- FPPF Capability Procedure.pdf
- FPPF Charging and Remissions policy.pdf
- FPPF Child on Child Abuse Policy.pdf
- FPPF Children with health needs who cannot attend school policy.pdf
- FPPF Child protection & Safeguarding Policy.pdf
- FPPF Collective worship.pdf
- FPPF Complaints Procedure.pdf
- FPPF ECT Policy.pdf
- FPPF Equality and Accesibility Objectives.pdf
- FPPF Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy.pdf
- FPPF Exclusion.pdf
- FPPF EYFS Policy
- FPPF First Aid in Schools Policy.pdf
- FPPF First Aid Procedures.pdf
- FPPF Freedom of Information Policy.pdf
- FPPF GDPR Policy.pdf
- FPPF Grievance Procedure.pdf
- FPPF Health, Relationships and Sex Education Policy 2023.pdf
- FPPF Health and Safety Policy.pdf
- FPPF ICT and safe internet use policy.pdf
- FPPF LAC Policy.pdf
- FPPF Lettings Policy .pdf
- FPPF Lost Child Procedure.pdf
- FPPF Off-site and Adventurous Activities Policy.pdf
- FPPF Online Safety Policy.pdf
- FPPF Pay Policy.pdf
- FPPF Public Sector Equality Duty.pdf
- FPPF Remote Learning Policy.pdf
- FPPF Remote learning protocols.pdf
- FPPF Safer Recruitment procedures.pdf
- FPPF SEND policy.pdf
- FPPF SMSC Policy.pdf
- FPPF Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions in School Policy.pdf
- FPPF Well-being Policy
- FPPF Whistleblowing Policy.pdf
- FPPF Written statement of behaviour principles.pdf
- Keeping_children_safe_in_education_2023_-_part_one.pdf