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At Furze Platt Infant School, the Inclusion Manager and SENCo provide strategic direction and help set the vision and ethos for all aspects of school life relating to children with SEND. The Inclusion Team play a major role in contributing to the raising of standards for all children with SEND ensuring inclusive practice and equality of opportunity for all. The SENCo takes the lead in ensuring interventions for the pastoral needs of pupils, including managing pupil behaviour, are implemented and appropriate systems are used to track, monitor and evaluate pupil progress.

As part of the Senior Leadership Team, the Inclusion Manager is responsible for the team of staff who support pupils with SEND within school. The Inclusion Team liaise with all agencies including educational psychologists, school health service, social services, speech therapists, E.W.O., Specialist Teachers, well-being team, counsellors, EMAS, CAHMS and arrange support for pupils with behaviour needs. The Inclusion Team also enable strong and effective partnerships with parents, keeping them well informed of targets and achievement.


Inclusion Team:

Mrs E Endacott - Inclusion Manager

Mrs S Singh - SENCo

Mrs N Baldwin - Family Support/ Welfare Advisor


To contact a member of the Inclusion Team or for further information, please email 



Attachment Aware Schools Award

In July 2022, FPIS was successful in gaining the Attachment Aware School’s Award from the AfC
Virtual School. The aims of the project were to raise awareness about attachment and trauma
informed practice, increase the academic progress and wellbeing of looked after children and
children with attachment needs and develop staff confidence in emotion coaching through whole
school CPD and coaching delivered by a Senior Educational Psychologist. In July 2023, FPIS was awarded the Attachment Aware Silver Award.



RBWM Inclusion Mark

In November 2021, FPIS was inspected by a team of SEND specialists and consultants. We are incredibly proud to say that we were awarded the RBWM Inclusion Mark award for outstanding inclusion.



Sign of the Week - Mum and Dad
