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Our Wellbeing Challenges

Our Wellbeing Rainbow Challenges:

Firstly, the challenges are only suggestions and families can create their own as long as it in focused on the relevant pillar; we would love families to get involved in this and talk together to plan and take part in each challenge. The challenges can be completed as a family or your child can do a challenge themselves.

Below are some initial suggested challenges. This list might grow through the year as and when we come up with new ideas or you share some of your own challenges with us.


Please remember, the aim is to encourage our children to take part in wellbeing challenges. We don’t want this to be a chore or seen as a homework in anyway. Even if they complete one challenge over the year, that would be amazing and it will be celebrated in school.

Please help us to get all of our children active and engaged in promoting and strengthening their positive wellbeing!
