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School Lunches


All meals must be ordered by parents on-line in advance (by midnight the night before) as meals cannot be ordered on the day.  You could even book weeks or the whole term in advance!


You will need to register with using your child's unique ”link code”, which you will have received in a letter sent home from school.

If you are already set up at Furze Platt Junior School, your letter will show you how to add your Furze Platt Infant School child/children to that account.

If your child is likely to have a school meal, even if only at Christmas, you must be registered to order a meal.

You will see that there are pictures of the meals associated with the options of the day which may make it easier for you and your child to choose what they would like.  The school cannot change the meal that is ordered for your child and your child will be unable to change the meal at school if they decide they don't want it.  Please ensure that they are happy with what has been chosen.

The school office will be unable to book meals for your child if you have not ordered one for that morning and if this is the case, you must provide a packed lunch.

The scopay system will show a £2.62 cost per meal from September 2023 (£2.69 from September 2024)  but this is paid for by the school under Universal Free School meals for all pupils at this school.

Important things to remember:

  • You must be registered with Scopay to order your child's meal
  • Ensure you order in advance of the day that the meal is required
  • The school CANNOT book a meal for your child
  • If you forget to book a meal, you will need to provide a packed lunch for your child.

Mrs Wratten, our school bursar will be happy to help you if you are having problems with registering with Scopay.


If your child has a medically diagnosed allergy or intolerance please ask a member our school office team for a Special Diet/Allergy form.  You will be asked to complete this form and return it to the school, along with a referral letter from a medical professional, to ensure that Caterlink, our school catering providers, have the necessary information to cater for your child.


Universal Infant Free School Meals

Under the Government's Universal Infant Free School meals initiative all school lunches in our school are free. We would strongly request you to encourage your children to take advantage of this.


The ethos behind the Government initiative comes from The School Food Plan which presented evidence that "universal free school meals leads to positive improvements in health, attainment and social interaction as well as helping families with the cost of living".


Free School Meals/Pupil Premium

Even though every child in an infant school will now get a free school meal, our school could receive additional funding to help support your child's education if your annual income is less than £16,190 and you receive certain benefits.

The government pays schools a Pupil Premium for each child eligible. This could be used for additional support in your child's classroom, or help with school trips or uniform purchase.

Please click on the link below for further information.

Applying is easy and can be done in your own home – the parent receiving benefits needs to insert their name, date of birth and National Insurance Number by using the link below:
You can also download and complete the form below, then send back via our school office.